Forth Ports
About us and the Erasmus Project
Erasmus+ is an international project that’s funded by the European Union. 40 students from all over the world take part in it to widen their knowledge on job opportunities across the globe. There are 10 students from Scotland, Germany, Sweden and Holland. These students meet up in every country to visit several different companies to find out about job opportunities/educational opportunities.
At these companies we find out more
about how to apply, what qualifications
you need, salary, skills that are needed
and so on…
Once we have visited all the countries and companies we will have a job fair to share our knowledge. The Erasmus+ is an extremely useful project because it allows us to interact with students from 3 other countries. It also helps when applying for university or college as it’s a great extracurricular activity and it allows us to branch out from our usual surroundings.
Ranya Al-kareemawi,18, Sweden. I study economics and law in Sandagymnasiet. In future I want to be a lawyer, because I want a good career and I want to have an impact on society.
Leroy van Rhijn, 16, The Netherlands,
I study at Beekvliet and in the future I want to be an engineer.
Karl j. Bunner, 18 , Sweden
I study at Sandagymnasiet. As every teenager I don't really know what I want to become, but something hopefully comes out of me.
Thomas Korsten, 16, The Netherlands
I study at gymnasium Beekvliet. In the future i want to help other people in the society.
Paula Molzahn, 17, Germany
I study at KGS Waldschule Schwanewede. After finishing School, I will do an apprenticeship as an industrial management assistant.
Maddy Millar, 17, Scotland
I take 3 Advanced Highers; Modern Studies, Art and Design, and English. I hope to go to Edinburgh University to study Costume Design.
Anna White, 17, Scotland
I study four Highers at school. I am a keen hockey player and I hope to become a physiotherapist when I leave school.
Annabelle Albrecht, 17, Germany
I study at KGS Waldschule Schwanewede. In the future I will start a dual study system as an economic engineer.